

How Breast Cancer Survivors Conquer Muscle Weakness

Consistency for Breast Cancer Survivors

Building Back Strength for Breast Cancer Survivors Breast cancer survivors often face a multitude of challenges during and after their treatment journey. One significant hurdle is muscle weakness, which can result from both the cancer treatment itself and the lack of physical activity during recovery. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery can take a toll on the […]

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Weight Gain After Breast Cancer Treatment

Tips for Weight Mangement Breast Cancer Survivors

Navigating Weight After Breast Cancer Embarking on the journey to recovery after breast cancer treatment is both courageous and challenging. Yet, for many survivors, a significant obstacle remains even after treatment ends: weight gain. Beyond its physical effects, weight management for breast cancer survivors can carry a heavy emotional burden, casting shadows on the joys

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Unlocking mobility after breast cancer

Limited range of motion after Breast Cancer

Mobility & Breast Cancer treatment I understand firsthand the challenges that come with navigating treatment-related side effects, including limited mobility. Throughout my own journey, I’ve learned the importance of tailored exercises and gradual progression to regain my range of motion and live a life without constant pain. Understanding Range of Motion Limitations Breast cancer treatment,

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Overcoming Breast Cancer-Related Fatigue

Fatigue cause by Breast Cancer

Expert Strategies for Breast Cancer Have you ever heard the saying “A body at rest tends to stay at rest”? Well, for us breast cancer survivors that statement is resoundingly true. For breast cancer survivors, this rings especially true. Dealing with breast cancer fatigue isn’t just physically exhausting – it can leave us emotionally drained

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Navigating Lymphedema with Exercise

Rori Lymphedema Exercise

Lymphedema Management with Exercise Being not just a breast cancer survivor, but a Cancer Exercise Specialist as well, I understand the depths and complexities of having to manage lymphedema. Having walked through the fire of breast cancer treatment, I’ve encountered firsthand the unwelcomed guest that goes by the name lymphedema. Development of Lymphedema It’s essential

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